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Can I register my child on more than one day?Yes. However weekly activities will be the same.
Where do we meet/where is the drop-off location?Once registered we will send out an email with specific meet up and/or drop-off details.
How should my child be dressed?Programming will be taking place outside in naturalized areas. Long pants and close-toed shoes are recommended regardless of the season. Check the local forecast before heading out and pack along a change of clothing just in case 😊
What about ticks?Ticks are a natural part of the ecosystem and although Lyme Disease is a potentially serious illness, not all ticks carry the disease. Black-legged ticks are the species associated with transmitting Lyme Disease and are present in our area. To help protect yourself and your child please wear light coloured long-sleeved shirts and pants so that ticks can be seen. Insect repellant can be applied before arrival for added protection. After exploring naturalized areas, it is always a good idea to remove and wash all clothing and check yourself over for any ticks while in the shower or bath. Ticks prefer moist areas so pay close attention to head/hair, underarms, belly button, groin and behind the knees. You can find more information on how to protect yourself here.
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